Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear VC,

Firstly, i would like to apologise if this mini minor issue in any way disturbing you. I would like to let you know that DVD burner which was previously installed at the pc that i’m currently using has been taken away by LL when none of us was around. I would like to get your permission & approval to have it installed back to the pc that i’m currently using (which i believe that will be brought over to Utusan as well) as i need to use it to copy/save some of the data to DVD or CD for BMD & myself’ before the servers are down for shifting. I was really really disappointed that it was removed at this critical/crucial time and without our knowledge. On top of that, I also foresee that i might need to use it in the future as well. I do understand that if the DVD burner is not coming under one complete set with the pc & will be charged separately. I’ll inform CR on the additional cost that might incurred due to this. I’ve spoken to LL regarding the sudden disappearance of the DVD burner. Just not to prolong this issue or pointing figure at anybody as we are all almost at the end of the journey, so really hope you will give your kind consideration & approval on this.



LL = Pompuan Jahat
BMD = X-Boss
CR = Future Boss
RS = Budak Baik